Saturday, October 19, 2013

Microsoft Shutting Down Windows XP

Believe it or not Microsoft is actually killing one of their best operating systems of all time -- Windows XP. Microsoft has said on April 8, 2014 it will be the "end of life" for Windows XP and if you're still using it don't freak out, well you might want to. You see Microsoft will no longer be releasing security updates for users which means if a hacker finds a loop hole in the XP platform, they can use the same method to attack ANY XP computer since Microsoft will not fix the "holes".
Now why on earth would they be doing this? It's simple, they're are a business and their ultimate goal is to make money so they are kind of pushing users to buy new Windows machines. This is nothing new if you have been following Microsoft they did this to Windows 95, 98, and Me and in the future they will kill off Vista (thank god) on April 11, 2017 and Windows 7 January 14, 2020.

If you really are worried that someone will hack into your XP machine make sure you get another antivirus software, I have linked some very good ones below!

So tell me what you guys think, even though Microsoft is a business should you they really leave their customers out in the blue?
