Monday, June 11, 2012

How To Get iOS 6 Under $10 Dollars

Today Apple announced iOS 6 that will be available to developers. Now if you want iOS 6 for a mere $7 continue reading, and let me remind you that usually you would have to sign up for an Apple Developer account which is $100 per year, but for those of us that just want iOS 6, this is your go-to method. Now the site that I'm showing you not only get iOS 6 for $7 but also other exclusive Apple Beta Software, including Mac OS 10.8 Mountain Lion (FOR FREE).
Hope this helps you guys and below I have linked to the site where you can achieve this, along with a detailed video. (I was NOT payed to say this, just something I stumbled upon )

Click here to go to iMZDL

-Thanks for reading and get downloadin' (: