Tuesday, May 21, 2013

XBOX One: The Killer to the PS4?

As you already are aware of Apple, hope you got a good laugh from that, no but Microsoft just announced it's newest gaming console the XBOX One. I've never liked XBOX for some odd reason and I think the main reason is I was always a Sony fanboy at heart, noticed how I said was. With this
new XBOX Microsoft has completely shifted my perspective and I'm thinking of buying it when it comes out -- which should be sometime around the holiday season. The presentation was fantastic as Microsoft talked more about hardware and features and far less about games, as Sony did.

Will the XBOX One beat the Sony PS4? Honestly, I don't know; and I don't think anyone knows, and will know, until the two products come out. But what I do know is this Sony fanboy has now begun keeping his eyes out for a counterpart to his previous religion.

So tell me what you think do you think..Sony PS4 > XBOX One or vis versa?

- techungry1

Check out the highlights of the event by Soliderknowsbest!